The Indiana Eligibility Modernization Project provided an
opportunity for FSSA to upgrade the processes and
infrastructure that support the delivery of SNAP (Food
Stamps), TANF and Medicaid services to needy Hoosiers
throughout the State. The purpose of the IEMP is to allow
clients better and easier access to case data, multiple
venues through which they can apply for benefits and
more timely eligibility determinations once applications
have been submitted. Further, IEMP provides a more
efficient and effective infrastructure for case workers
throughout the State and in the Central Office in
Indianapolis to receive and process client information and
to make eligibility decisions.
RCR Technology was involved since the project inception
to design, architect, migrate, implement and support the
systems and users of the systems that continue to serve
Hoosiers across the State of Indiana. RCR Technology
continues to serve as a central hub for technology and
business needs while delivering a personalized touch
when dealing with agency end users all contributing
factors to the success of the project to date.